Introducing Workspace LIMS Workspace Learning Institutions Management Systems (LIMS) is a complete system for schools and colleges covering the following learning Institutions' processes: Student Admission Capture the student's bio data, contacts and the next of Kins. Record the student's Sponsor details, and set the student specific fee. Record the student's educational history and the courses the student has taken with your institution. Store the student picture and maintain a historical notes ledger on the student to record happenings such as awards of merit, special health conditions and behavior changes. For branch offices, you can install a complete Workspace system, or use a special Microsoft Word Admission template, which can be use to import the admission details into Workspace LIMS at the head office. Course Registry Define the Units and Unit Clusters. Capture the Unit specific fee. Define course streams. Define the course Catelogue and the mode and types of evaluation for each unit in the catelogue, Schedule course classes and set class fees. Lecturers Registry Maintain Lecturers details including the names, first employment date, and contracto assignt type. Record Lecturers' workload and refer to Historical lecturers' workload. This module automatically Link to Workspace Payroll toassign the Lecturer an Employee Number. Examination Registration In managing Examination Registration, you start by defining the various Examination Bodies that your institute is involved with. This may include KASNEB, KNEC, ABE, IMIS, Associated Universities, etc. For each of these bodies, you define the various examinations that each offers and at which level of the course each is done. For KASNEB this may include CPA, CPS, and KATC. For each eaxamination you define the changes such as registration fees, the examinable Units/Subjects and their fees. You also define the grading and the sittings offered per year. You are then able to register the students for these Examinations and manage the Examination Registration fees. Performance Management Record Student Examination Performance and generate related performance reports: Performance Summary, End of Semester Reports, Academic Year Transcripts and many other performance related custom reports. Lecturers' Performance Evaluation Design Lecturers' performance Evaluation by defining the Evaluation factors, and ratings. Generate and print Evaluation documents in Microsoft Word to help in administering the appraisals. Record Evaluation results and generate evaluation summary reports. Fees Management Define charge Items, and locations for location senstive charges such as Transport. Generate and print fee invoices, fee structures, and Fee balance lists. Record and print fee receipts and allocate fee installments to fee invoices. Generate fee balance statements. Timetabling Define the insitute day plans. Use drag and drop to prepare tametables. Generate Master, Course, Class and Lecturer timetables. Attendance Management Generate class attendance Microsoft Word Documents tobe used as attendance registers. Update the attendance automatically by importing from the marked Microsoft Word Documents. Generate attendance reports. Payroll Manage both permanent and houhly paid employees. Import Attendance Hours directly from the timetable. Manage staff loans and SACCO shares contributions. Manage Employees banking details for salary transfer and generate salary transfer SFI files. Generate all statutory reports such as P9, P10, NSSF and NHIF returns. |