Workspace Solution Framework (WSF) is our approach to Business Value Sharing between us and our customers which ensures a win-win result. WSF constitute the following components that together help us to manage not just the technology but, people and process in order to ensure a RAPID implementation of a working Business-driven technology solution:

  1. WSF Principles
  2. WSF Team Model
  3. WSF Process Model

To see an implementation of WSF in each of our solution areas, please3 follow the following links:

WSF Principles

WSF is guided by the following principles:

Partner with Customer: WSF advocate basing decisions on sound understading of the customer's business and on active customer participation in project delivery.

Work Toward a shared Vision: WSF strongly advocates the adoption of a shared vision to focus the approach of a team. Before a project gets rolling, a team needs to buy in to a common vision. Without such a vision, high-performance teamwork cannot take place.

Deliver Incremental Value: WSF aims at responding to customer needs with small, quality deliverables which shows progress.

Stay Agile, adapt to change: WSF approach projects with the knowledge that the more an organization seeks to maximize the business impact of a technology investment, the more they venture into new territories. This new ground is inherently uncertain and subject to change as exploration and experimentation results in new needs and methods.

Focus on Delivering Business Value: WSF realizes that projects that rush through, or are not deliberate in defining the business value of the project suffer in later stages as the sustaining impetus for the project becomes clouded or uncertain. Successful solutions must satisfy some basic need and deliver value or benefit to the purchaser.

Establish Clear Accountability: In an effective team, each member is empowered to deliver on their own commitments and has confidence that, where they depend on the commitments of other team members, that these will also be met.

WSF Team Model

WSF Team Model defines the roles and responsibilities of a team of peers working on information technology projects in interdependent multidisciplinary roles.

The various roles include:

These roles are configured per solution project and may be filled by our employees or customer's employees, or external consultants who have a stake in the project. Among the initial project set-up activities is the creation of the Team of peers.

WSF Process Model

The WSF Process Model describes Workspace Solutions Lifecycle - a process that includes all of the activities in the project that take place up to completion and transition to an operational status.

WSF Process Model is organized into phases:


These phases can be viewed as periods of time with an emphasis on certain activities aimed at producing the relevant deliverables for that phase.

Milestones are built into the model and represent review and synchronization points for determining whether the objectives of the phase have been met.

WSF Process model allows a team to respond to customer requests and to address changes in a solution midcourse, when necessary.

WSF Working Template

Phase Tools People Justification
Workspace Customer  
Envisioning -Interviews
-Process Map
-List of Internal Systems
-Business Analyst/Solution Consultant -Business Analyst
-User representative(functional area head)
-Project Manager
-Partner with Customer
-Work Towards a shared Vision
-Focus on Delivering Business value
Planning Workshop Solution Consultant -Business Analyst
-User representative(functional area head)
-Project Manager
-Establish Clear Accountability
Development Demonstrations -Solution Consultant
-Business Analyst
-User representative(functional area head)
-Project Manager
-Focus on Delivering Business value
Stabilizing -Walkthroughs
-Parallel Runs
-Solution Consultant
-Business Analyst
-User representative(functional area head)
-Project Manager
-Focus on Delivering Business value
Deployment -Data Migration Tools
-Solution Consultant
-Business Analyst
-User representative(functional area head)
-Project Manager
-Focus on Delivering Business value
-Deliver Incremental Value